Col. John Kilborn Home

Built: 1903
Location: 2 Drummond Street

This building of mixed styles is believed to be a combination of John Kilborn’s home and George W. Preston’s “Ottawa Hotel” which burned in 1903. The stone component of this building is believed to be material recovered from the Ottawa Hotel.

There is a simple frieze that runs under the overhanging eaves. The frame structure was Col. Kilborn’s home. In 1828 while living in Brockville, Col. Kilborn was elected to Parliament. When his term expired, he declined re- election and moved to Kilmarnock. In 1852, he was appointed postmaster of Brockville, from which he later resigned and ran unsuccessfully for Parliament against Mr. Benjamin Tett. He then retired to Newboro. Colonel Kilborn donated the site for the first Wesleyan Presbyterian Church on Drummond Street in 1850, and he and the five Chamberlain brothers had the church erected. Col. Kilborn and his wife Elizabeth Sherwood had nine children – eight sons and one daughter. This eminent citizen of Newboro died in his 94th year.
