Richard Blake House

Built: 1858
Location: 14 Main Street

The Blake House is just one of several fine examples of “Ontario Cottages” in Newboro. The Ontario Cottage is typical of many homes of the mid-1800’s; one- and-one-half stories in height and built by frugal owners. Tax laws from between 1807 and 1853 assessed houses as either one full storey or two full stories. A gable window over the front doorway provided light to a central hallway on the upper floor. Window designs could be pointed Gothic, square-headed Tudor, round-headed, (usually shuttered), circular or large three sectional. The decorative bargeboard, often called gingerbread was usually added in the mid 1850’s when more delicate woodworking tools became available to local tradesmen. The verandah became an important feature of Ontario Cottages, generally being added in the latter half of the 19th century.
