Union Bank Building

Built: 1905
Location: 24 Drummond Street

Like many structures in the area, this was built of local brick. Constructed in 1905 by John F. Graham to house the Union Bank, the building remained in the Graham family for over a century. This two-storey building provided banking hall and offices on the first floor. The interesting cornicing and the flat roof are characteristic of several contemporary banks erected in the area. Its massive front façade with large arched windows and door imposes a sense of assurance and security on those entering with surplus shekels to save or loans to seek. The living quarters of the manager and his family were on the second floor where he could stay “on top of the money”. By the early 1900s, Drummond Street had become the focus of commerce, road traffic and parallel to rail travel. For over a century this fine example of rural “bank architecture” served Newboro commerce and community.
